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About Welfare Partners

Welfare Partners is a new digital service for business partners of the Department of Social Protection (DSP).

Business partners are organisations who engage with the Department to provide a service. The services which are currently provided on Welfare Partners are as follows:

Community Employment Programme

Community Employment (CE) is an employment programme with the aim of helping the long-term unemployed to re-enter the workforce by breaking their cycle of unemployment through a return to a regular work routine. CE also provides training and development to participants.

To become a Community Employment Project Sponsor or to get more information on the Community Employment Programme please click here.

If you are a citizen go to where you can access a range of self service options.

Treatment Benefits Services

Treatment Benefits is a scheme run by the Department of Social Protection (DSP) that provides dental, optical and medical appliance (including hearing aids) services to qualified people. The Treatment Benefit Scheme is available to insured persons and retired people who have the required number of PRSI contributions. Customers who wish to claim under their spouse/civil partner/cohabitant must complete the application form available at the practice. This form must be signed by both parties and posted in to the treatment benefit office.

You must have a contract with the Department of Social Protection to participate in the Treatment Benefit scheme. If you do, and you have a ROS (Revenue Online Service) account, you can create a DSP digital sub-certificate to access the following services via the Welfare Partners digital service:

  • Submit a Treatment Benefit Eligibility Check for your customers
  • View Treatment Benefits Eligibility Check status for your customers
  • Submit a Treatment Benefit claim for your customers
  • View claim status and payments made to you
  • View your Department of Social Protection Contract information
  • Send a request to update your contact or payment information

Please contact the Treatment Benefit section with any queries at

For further information regarding the Treatment Benefit scheme, click here

If you are a citizen go to where you can access a range of self service options.

Wage Subsidy Scheme

The Wage Subsidy Scheme is a scheme run by Department of Social Protection (DSP) to give a financial incentive to private sector employers to employ people with a disability. The work offered must be for a minimum of 15 hours per week and the subsidy is available up to 39 hours per week. An employee with a disability on WSS has the same conditions of employment as other employees. The Scheme is structured in three strands - the employer can benefit from one or all simultaneously, based on the number of employees on their scheme.

To access Wage Subsidy Scheme on Welfare Partners, the employer must first have been registered on the DSP internal system. Additionally, a DSP digital sub-certificate (to be downloaded from your ROS account) is required to access the following services:

  • Submit Wage Subsidy Requests (WSRs) for funding
  • Review WSRs submitted and associated payments
  • Review Scheme Claim & Participant details

For further information regarding the Wage Subsidy Scheme or assistance with accessing the scheme on Welfare Partners, click here.

Redundancy, Insolvency and Covid-19 related lay-off Payments Schemes

It is the responsibility of the employer to make statutory redundancy payments to employees. The purpose of the Redundancy Payments Scheme is to ensure that eligible employees, who have lost their employment by reason of redundancy, receive their statutory redundancy if their employer is unable to pay.

The purpose of the Insolvency Payments Scheme is to protect pay-related entitlements owed to employess who lose their employment because of the insolvency of an employer. An employer representative, such as the official liquidator or receiver, may submit an application for various entitlements due to an employees including arrears of wages, minimum notice and holiday pay.

All payments made to employees through the Redundancy and Insolvency Payment Schemes become a debt against the employer, which the Department will seek to recover.

The purpose of the Covid-19 related lay-off payment Scheme is to ensure that eligible employees, who are made redundant between 13th March 2020 and the 31st of January 2025 are compensated for non-reckonable service. This payment is specific to employees who were on temporary lay-off due to Covid-19 restrictions between 13th March 2020 and the 31st of January 2022. The Covid-19 related lay-off payment is fully funded by the Social Insurance Fund. Employers will not be liable for this payment.

To access this service on Welfare Partners, employer and employer representatives will require a Department of Social Protection (DSP) sub-certificate which should be downloaded from your ROS account. Detailed information on how to apply for a DSP sub-cert can be found on

You can find further information regarding the Redundancy, Insolvency and Covid-19 related lay-off Payments Schemes and assistance with accessing the scheme on Welfare Partners on

Please contact the DSP Redundancy and Insolvency Unit with any queries at

A1 Certificates

Citizens of the European Union (EU), the United Kingdom (UK), the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland have the right to live and work within those states. People born outside of those states (Third Country Nationals) enjoy the same rights, so long as they hold legal residence and the appropriate work permits. Working abroad may be for a limited time in a single state (a posting) or over an indefinite timescale across many states (multi-state work).

A person working in another member state as either a posted worker or as a multi-state worker, must have an A1 Certificate to prove that they are continuing to pay PRSI contributions in Ireland and are exempt from making social insurance contributions in other states.

Applications for A1 Certificates can be made online using Welfare Partners. If the application is approved, the A1 Certificate will be issued electronically through the company’s A1 Certificate dashboard.

Before applying:

To access this service on Welfare Partners, the employer or self-employed individual will require a Department of Social Protection (DSP) sub certificate which should be downloaded from the individual’s ROS account. Detailed information on how to apply for a DSP sub-cert can be found on

Once a company profile has been created, the employer can proceed to create applications for an A1 Certificate.

Immediately prior to their posting abroad:

- An employed person must be paying PRSI contributions in Ireland

- A self-employed person must be pursuing self-employed activity in Ireland

The circumstances of multi-state workers are examined individually to determine their eligibility for an A1 Certificate. Civil servants and persons working outside of the EU/UK/EEA/Switzerland should not apply online.

Steps during the application process:

The following information will be required:

- Residence and PPS Number

- Personal Details

- Foreign Address

- Details relating to activities abroad

The applicant may be contacted by the Department for further details once the application has been reviewed.

Further details about posted and multi-state workers is available on

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